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Design + Edit
Design + Edit
Make gorgeous emails and pages with our creative tools.
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Guide to designing emails + pages
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Guide to styles + stylesheets
Create a new email design
Custom blocks
Designing with the WordFly Design System
Duplicate or copy an email design
See all 9 articles
Design Options
Add a background image or gradient
Add a border, background color, or transparent color
Add a calendar reminder
Add a divider
Add a drop shadow to blocks
Add a hosted video from YouTube or Vimeo
See all 27 articles
Images + Media
Images: Upload, edit, and position
Images: What image size should I use in my design?
Media: Manage, upload, organize, and delete
Using the image editor
Designing for accessibility
Designing for dark mode
Email design best practices
Troubleshooting: Editor error messages
Troubleshooting: Styles
Update older email code