New! Create additional subscribe pages

Article author
Kelly Sutter


One subscribe page is provided for free in your account. It serves as the primary WordFly Signup page for your organization’s mailing list.

For additional flexibility, you can create multiple subscribe pages that point to different lists within WordFly.


What you can do

  • Set up a new subscribe page that feeds into a different list from your primary mailing list
  • Allow people to continue to sign up for your primary mailing list, but set up a separate lightbox that adds people to a different list
  • Allow people to sign up directly to different department lists
  • Create separate forms for different organizations within a consortium so people can subscribe to specific lists
  • Allow people to sign up for a specific event list so you can send them information about the event

This feature requires a Pages pricing plan.

There are several options for managing unsubscribes, preferences, and sending, depending on what you are trying to accomplish. Here are two techniques.


Option without preferences


Use this technique when you want to create a new subscribe page that adds subscribers to a new list.

Set up the list and page

  1. Create the list
    Go to Subscribers > Lists and create the list you want to add subscribers to.
  2. Create the new subscribe page
    Go to the Pages section. Create a new subscribe page and link it to your new list.
  3. Save and publish the page set

Send a campaign to the list

On the Subscribers step of your campaign, select the subscriber list.


How does opt-out work?

When a person clicks Unsubscribe, they will be unsubscribed from this list and all others. They will be suppressed from future list imports.


Option with preferences


With this technique, your new subscribe page adds subscribers to a new list and a new preference.

Set up the list, preference, and pages

  1. Create the list
    Go to Subscribers > Lists and create the list you want to add subscribers to.
  2. Create the preference
    Go to Subscribers > Preferences and create a new preference for your new list.
  3. Add the preference to your preferences page
    Go to the Pages section. Open your preferences page. Add the new preference to the page. Save and publish the page.
  4. Create the new subscribe page
    From the Pages section, create a new subscribe page and link it to your new list.
  5. Add the preference to the new subscribe form
    • Drag a Preferences block into the form.
    • Add your new preference to the block.
    • Change Question field to “Sign me up to receive this newsletter” or something similar.
  6. Save and publish the page set

Send a campaign to the list

  1. Select the list
    On the Subscribers step, select the signup list when you send your campaign.
  2. Segment by preference
    • From the More list options dropdown, select Segment your list
    • Then, Create a new segment > Add profile data > Preferences
    • Include subscribers whose...
      [your preference] equal to True


    • Optional: Click Save for Reuse to save segment for use in future campaigns.


How does opt-out work?

In your emails, provide links to your preferences page and your unsubscribe page. When a person clicks Update Preferences, they can uncheck the preference for the list. When a person clicks Unsubscribe, they will be unsubscribed from this list and all others. They will be suppressed from future list imports.