Segment by engagement

Article author
Bryan Garcia
  • Updated

WordFly has information on engaged subscribers through engagement calculations. Each subscriber has a star rating based on open and click interactions with your email campaigns. You can use this information to build conditions to personalize your email, and to segment your lists to send to specific engagement segments.


Segmentation is applied in email campaigns on the Subscribers tab. Use the More list actions dropdown to select Segment your list. Follow these instructions to segment your list by engagement ratings (stars).



Segment by high engagement

Reward subscribers with higher scores by sending them exclusive content, special offers, last-minute deals, and loyalty offers. Choose the threshold for receiving special offers. You can use either engagement scores or stars to separate the highly engaged.


1. In your email campaign, select or import your list on the Subscribers tab


2. On the List Summary page, select More List Actions > Segment Your List


3. Select Create a new segment


4. Select Add profile data for your segment


5. Select Engagement


6. Define your segment from the available dropdowns

  • Data field: Select EngagementRating
  • Operator: Select equal to
  • Engagement: Select the star rating you want to segment by.
    Four and Five stars are considered high engagement.


7. Select Add to segment


8. Select Apply to list


Your segment will be applied and your campaign will only send to this segment.



Segment by low engagement

Send re-engagement emails designed to bring disengaged subscribers back to the program. Use these campaigns to encourage interest in your program or weed out subscribers that are adding weight to your list. This is a great opportunity to send subscribers to a survey or encourage them to engage with you on social media instead of email.


1. Follow steps 1-5 above

2. Define your segment from the available dropdowns

  • Data field: Select EngagementRating
  • Operator: Select equal to
  • Engagement: Select the star rating you want to segment by.
    No stars, Two stars and Three stars are considered low engagement. One star means they have reacted negatively to your campaigns.



3. Select Add to segment


4. Select Apply to list



Segment by new subscribers

New subscribers who have received fewer than four campaigns do not have an engagement rating or score, but you can segment by them using the Missing option.


1. Follow steps 1-5 above

2. Define your segment from the available dropdowns

  • Data field: Select EngagementRating
  • Operator: Select Missing

3. Select Add to segment

4. Select Apply to list



Segment by your best leads and propects

If you’re using WordFly’s Lightbox tool to build your list, you can use it in conjunction with engagement scores to find your best prospects or up-selling opportunities. These subscribers may not have purchased yet, but they could be highly active on your email list. This is exactly the type of subscriber to send appealing first-time-buyer offers to.


1. Follow steps 1-5 above

2. Define your segment from the available dropdowns

  • Data field: Select EngagementRating
  • Operator: Select Greater Than or Equal To
  • Engagement: 3

3. Select Add to segment

4. Select Add profile data


5. Select Other

6. Define your segment from the available dropdowns

  • Data field: Select WordFlyOrigin
  • Operator: Select Equal To
  • Engagement: WordFly Lightbox

7. Select Add to segment

8. Select Apply to list