Set up Tessitura responses for Pages

Article author
Miguel Panayotty

RSVP and survey responses are collected in WordFly Pages and sent back to Tessitura through the Pages integration. Route this data anywhere you’d like in Tessitura or use it to send follow-up email campaigns, create customer service inquiries, etc.



  • Tessitura v15+
  • WordFly-Tessitura integration v3 (v3.0.1.123)
  • Configure the Pages stored procedure in Tessitura
  • Enable the “Send survey and RSVP responses to Tessitura” option in WordFly


How does the Pages integration work?

The Pages integration works similarly to other integration processes that your organization may already be using, e.g., the preferences integration. Page responses are collected in WordFly for tracked pages and sent back to Tessitura to update new local tables in the impresario database. A new stored procedure can be configured to update Page responses on the constituent record in any way your organization wants to have it reflected.





Stores the Page name, URL, ID, etc. identifying the Page that was created in WordFly. The PageSetGuid is a unique value for each Page. This table is populated when responses are sent back to Tessitura by WordFly. The first response will populate that table.

2 Survey
3 Landing

LT_WF_PAGE_FIELD Stores the fields for the Page created in WordFly, e.g., any survey, or other form fields. Essentially, any question fields are stored in LT_WF_PAGE_FIELD. The PageFieldGuid is a unique value for each Page question.
LT_WF_PAGE_RESPONSE Stores when someone responds to a Page, along with customer number, email address.
LT_WF_PAGE_FIELD_RESPONSE Stores Page field responses from any form block fields, including RSVP Yes/No. Essentially, any answers are stored in LT_WF_PAGE_FIELD_RESPONSE.


LP_WF_PAGE_RESPONSE_CREATE Creates the Page and Page Response
LP_WF_PAGEFIELD_RESPONSE_CREATE Creates the Page Field and Page Field Responses
LP_WF_PAGE_RESPONSE_CUSTOM Provides hook for custom processing where you can take all the data from the tables and update constituent records with the information. Or, you can use the sample queries in the default procedure to find question and answer field results.



Sample Data

Examples of how Pages data populates in the new local tables in the impresario database.


LT_WF_PAGE (A page)


LT_WF_PAGE_FIELD (Questions on a page)


LT_WF_PAGE_RESPONSE (Customer’s response to a page)


LT_WF_PAGE_FIELD_RESPONSE (Customer’s answers to each question)


Sample View



Pages Integration Data Processing

The following steps illustrate how Page data is processed in the impresario database.


1. Execute LP_WF_PAGE_RESPONSE_CREATE and retrieve PageId and PageResponseId from results
2. For each PageResponse.fieldResponse, execute LP_WF_PAGEFIELD_RESPONSE_CREATE;




Configure the Pages stored procedure in Tessitura

The LP_WF_PAGE_RESPONSE_CUSTOM stored procedure is the only procedure your organization will need to customize for RSVP and survey responses. You can skip this step if you are only managing cancelled events with Pages and the Tessitura Event Cancellation Utility.

  • There will be some sample code in this procedure showing organizations how to get at the data in the tables.
  • There is a RETURN statement in the stored procedure that needs to be commented out for the procedure to run automatically when called.
  • Further customization of writing where data shows on constituent records will need to be done by your team.
  • You can work with Tessitura support on troubleshooting your setup or with Tessitura consulting on specific customization.


Configuration example:

  • RSVP data could create a special activity, CSI or an attribute on the constituent record. Elevated Events are in beta testing with Tessitura consulting.
  • Survey responses could add attributes on the constituent record.


Example of special activity


Manage cancelled events (WordFly+Tessitura partnership)

WordFly and Tessitura have partnered together to help organizations manage cancelled events during the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn how to use WordFly Pages and Tessitura to manage your cancelled events and collect feedback from ticket holders that update directly back in Tessitura. This feature works with Tessitura CSI, Interests, and Attributes out of the box. Functionality for Special Activities and Elevated Events is coming soon. If you have questions about the integration, you can contact Tessitura support (, or use the portal on to open a request).


Resources to get started

WordFly School: Managing cancelled events with Pages+Tessitura

Tessitura article: Streamlined mass cancellation tools for WordFly users

Tessitura video: WordFly Pages Integration (5 min)



Pages integration workflow

These steps provided by Tessitura describe the workflow for using WordFly pages with Tessitura.

  1. WordFly // Create and test page
  2. WordFly // Publish page
  3. Tessitura // Create list or extraction for email campaign
  4. Tessitura // Set up and configure Tessitura items (CSI, Interest, Attribute)
  5. Tessitura // Map page and question combinations to Tessitura objects
  6. WordFly // Create email campaign
  7. WordFly // Preview email campaign and test Page Set Responses
  8. Tessitura // Confirm integration setup
  9. WordFly // Send email campaign

For additional information about the Tessitura steps, please review the Tessitura documentation. (Requires login)



Use CorrelationID

Organizations may set up a Tessitura ID for any In Progress (unpublished) Page in WordFly. This field is passed back as CorrelationID and provides organizations with additional data processing options.


In WordFly, set a Tessitura ID under Page Settings. From the dropdown, select Activity or Attribute, then input a value in the open field. Select Done when you are finished.



  • Activity would most likely be a Special Activity ID from system table TR_SPECIAL_ACTIVITY.
  • Attribute would most likely be a valid Attribute ID from T_KEYWORD.


What to expect when using Tessitura ID for a Page:

  • The CorrelationId field is a way to configure any custom data you want to have passed back with the responses. The integration passes this data through to the database. No validation is made.
  • The different types in the UI (Activity and Attribute) are there to help users in a systematic way and to keep the data standardized to avoid confusion.
  • The ID can be numbers and letters. It can be up to 5000 characters in length.
  • The ID should not include ":" as a delimiter.
  • The ID cannot be changed after Page responses have started collecting and sending back to Tessitura.
  • The data is written with the first Page response collected.
  • The ID is written to [impresario].[dbo].[LT_WF_PAGE].[CorrelationId]
  • This is how the data is passed back to the database:
  • Configure the LP_WF_PAGE_RESPONSE_CUSTOM stored procedure to parse the data as you need to use it.


The CorrelationID itself is fairly extensible because it is only a string and has a high character limit. You can update this value with a convention to pass more data back with it.

For example:

"<activityType>_<activityDate>" and have values such as "12345_04-05-2019"

Use this field to add any data you want to the id.




How long will it take to set up the new integration for Page responses?

Every organization will take a different amount of time to set up page responses. The steps are straightforward. You will have to discuss the steps with your team to gather an accurate estimate.


Can we link directly to an RSVP or survey page to collect responses in Tessitura?

Tracking Page responses requires sending a WordFly email campaign and using a unique subscriber mailing ID tracking tag at the end of your Page link. Only tracked pages can send data back to Tessitura for specific subscribers. Learn more


How long does it take for RSVP and survey page responses to appear in Tessitura?

There is a new stored procedure LP_WF_PAGE_RESPONSE_CUSTOM handling page response updates and it will be running all the time once it is configured. Expect to see page responses on constituent records in 1-2 hours from the time the response was collected by your WordFly page.


Here are some more details about event processing that are helpful to know:

  • WordFly response processing is controlled by a software robot that processes responses until all event processing is finished and then takes a short break (90 minutes) before running again. Once responses are available and the robot is processing events it will continue to process the responses until those are done.
  • The robot may never stop processing events because events for high-volume sending organizations deploying on a daily/consistent basis because events are continuously coming in.
  • Small test campaigns may in theory take longer process if the robot is "on a break" and not running at the time when the response was received, generating a delay of up to 90 minutes.


What data is required in order for page responses to update in Tessitura?

The new stored procedure LP_WF_PAGE_RESPONSE_CUSTOM requires customer number in the list data for sending page responses back to Tessitura successfully.

 If a subscriber does not have a customer number recorded in their profile at the time the email campaign is deployed, they will only be able to submit responses anonymously. These responses are not recorded in Tessitura.


Why didn’t my page or question fields update in Tessitura after changing in WordFly?

The Page (LT_WF_PAGE) and Page Field (LT_WF_PAGE_FIELD) data written to Tessitura is not updated when a page is updated. Any new page fields are added, but existing page fields are not modified. This means that if the text of a question is changed in WordFly after it is initially published, those changes are not reflected in Tessitura when the page is then republished.


RSVP Page: Why is the first row blank for LT_WF_PAGE_FIELD?

This first row correlates to the "Can you attend?" question for RSVP Pages. This is currently an empty row but this may change in the future.


RSVP Page: How are yes and no responses recorded in the database tables?

The RSVP total is recorded as an answer to a question field. There are two separate tables holding this data.

  • Question fields are stored in LT_WF_PAGE_FIELD
  • Answers are stored in LT_WF_PAGE_FIELD_RESPONSE

The How many additional guests will attend? question gets added even if the answer is 0.


Are results showing in LT_WF_PAGE_FIELD in the same order as the fields in the WordFly Survey page?

The API does not currently send data about the ordinal position of the questions (i.e. “Fields”) to Tessitura. 

The Id column on that table is an incremental row id that is created when a new row is inserted. It indicates the order in which rows were added to the table. These may match the fields in your survey.

The PageFieldGuid is sequential and sorting by that will order the data in the order the questions/fields were created in WordFly. Provided you originally create the questions in the order you want them to appear, sorting by PageFieldGuid will give you the questions in the right order.


Is it possible to re-purpose code from LP_WF_PAGE_RESPONSE_CUSTOM for multiple pages?

Yes! You can use the text in the Question field of LT_WF_PAGE_FIELD as a way of maintaining the same procedure code for similar questions across different pages.


Why are my Pages database tables empty in the Tessitura database?

A few things to check:

  • Pages must be tracked to send data back to Tessitura.
  • Subscribers must have a Tessitura customer number (CrmSubscriberId) linked in WordFly to send data back to Tessitura.
  • Page question fields or pages responses containing quote (") or apostrophe (') characters will not send data back to Tessitura. This is currently under investigation.