Sender requirements for Google and Yahoo

Article author
Kirk Bentley

Learn what you need to do to prepare for the changes coming to Google and Yahoo mailboxes in 2024. 


Three new requirements

In February, Google and Yahoo began tightening the requirements for access to their mailboxes. We recommend getting everything set up as soon as possible to ensure that any issues are identified and resolved before strict enforcement begins in June. Any bulk senders who do not meet the new requirements by June 1st, 2024, will have their email denied for delivery.

The good news is that since you’re a WordFlyer, you already meet most of the requirements!

There’s really just one thing you’ll need to do in the coming weeks. It’s a little techy and will require access to your DNS. So, grab your favorite IT person and keep reading to learn about the new requirements and which ones you’re responsible for. 


#1 // Authenticate your email

You need to do this.

Authenticating with SPF, DKIM, and DMARC provides verification and proof that email arriving from your domain is actually from you. Spammers love to try to hijack your brand and send email on your behalf. You’ve probably received a suspicious email that kind of, sort of, looked real but wasn’t. That’s called spoofing and it is what authentication was designed to prevent.

WordFly already requires that you authenticate with SPF and DKIM. Now, you’ll also be required to authenticate with DMARC. If you haven’t already published DMARC for your WordFly sending domain, read our guide to learn how.

Guide to DMARC email authentication →


#2 // Provide a “one-click” unsubscribe in the header

WordFly adds this automatically.

Google will soon require a one-click Unsubscribe link in the header of the email. Good news, WordFly automatically adds the required code to all your emails for you. You will still need to use the normal unsubscribe link provided by WordFly in the footer of your email.


When the one-click Unsubscribe link is clicked, the subscriber will be unsubscribed. The click event will display as an opt-out in WordFly and sync with your CRM, just like any other unsubscribe. 


#3 // Send email that is wanted and expected

You should already be doing this. 

Since day one, WordFly has been committed to our policy of sending email only to those subscribers who have requested to hear from you. Gmail and Yahoo are now getting more strict about allowable spam rates. The new requirements mean you’ll need to keep your Gmail spam rate below 0.3%. You can track it by creating a Postmaster Tools account.

In light of these changes, we are asking you to double-down on your efforts to keep your lists clean, remove disengaged subscribers, and recommit to staying hyper-vigilant with routine list hygiene.

All about list hygiene →


Final thoughts

While Google and Yahoo have teamed up on these new requirements, you can rest assured these changes are coming to every mailbox provider sooner than later.

We’re genuinely excited about these changes here at WordFly. They create clear and easy-to-follow rules for legitimate bulk senders while closing a longtime and obvious loophole for bad actors and spammers. You’ve probably heard us going on and on about spam and list cleaning and deliverability. Well, now it seems the mailbox industry is ready to enforce these best practices, too. The world is a better place with less spam!

If you’re sending unwanted email, aren’t cleaning your lists regularly, or just aren’t paying much attention to the overall engagement of your email program, this is your big red flashing light! Now is a great time to change course and pay attention.