Add a preheader or footer block

Article author
Kelly Sutter

Did you remove your preheader and footer blocks from your email design? Learn how to add them back into your design in this article.


Add preheader back into email

Preheader blocks are included in all WordFly starter emails as you begin your email design. If you deleted your preheader block, it can be added back by following these steps.


1. Open your email


2. Click on the HTML tab from the lower-left corner


3. Scroll to the <body> tag in the code (directly after the </head> tag)


4. Paste the following code directly after the <div id="email-container" data-wfeviltwin="align: center; width: 600px"> tag

<div data-wfcb="preheader" data-wflabel="Preheader" class="preheader-block"
  <div data-wfedit="html" data-wflabel="Text"><p class="fine-print">
  Add preheader text here &#160;|&#160; <a href=""
  target="_blank">View in browser</a>






Add footer back to email

Footer blocks are included in all WordFly starter emails as you begin your email design. If you deleted your footer block, it can be added back by following these steps.


1. Open your email design


2. Click on the HTML tab from the lower-left corner


3. Scroll to the last child of the #email-container element at the bottom of the HTML. It’s located above the last instance of </div>.


4. Paste the following code directly above the </div></body></html> tag

<div data-wfcb="footer" data-wflabel="Footer" class="footer-block block" draggable="false">
<div data-wfedit="html" data-wflabel="Text">
<p class="fine-print" style="text-align: center;">Add your footer links</p>
<p class="fine-print" style="text-align: center;">Add your footer paragraph</p>
<p class="fine-print" style="text-align: center;">Add your organization address</p>