Segment by subscriber profile data + preferences

Article author
Bryan Garcia
  • Updated

Each subscriber profile has unique data that only WordFly provides and updates for the subscriber. These data fields contain valuable data about subscribers that could really pay off when used in segmented campaigns which we will cover here.


WordFlySubscribeDate Date subscriber was created in WordFly
WordFlyOrigin How subscriber was added to WordFly: WordFly Signup, WordFly Lightbox, or Import (list import)

Gold star rating based on engagement score


Calculated based on user activity


Segment by preferences

Segment by the preferences a subscriber has opted into from your signup and preferences pages.


1. In an email campaign, select or import your list on the Subscribers tab



2. On the List Summary page, select More List Actions > Segment Your List


3. Select Create a new segment


4. Select Add profile data for your segment


5. Select Preferences


6. Further define your segment from the available dropdowns.

  • Data Field: Select one of the preference data fields
  • Operator: Select equal to
  • Select True (the subscriber is opted in) or False (the subscriber is opted out)

Note: True will change to 1 and False will change to 0 once the preference segment is applied.


7. Select Add to segment


8. Select Apply to list



Segment by how a subscriber was added (WordFlyOrigin)

Send an email to all the subscribers that have signed via your WordFly Signup subscribe page or WordFly Lightbox or were imported from a list. The data field that corresponds to how the subscriber was added to WordFly is WordFlyOrigin.


1. In an email campaign, select or import your list on the Subscribers tab



2. On the List Summary page, select More List Actions > Segment Your List


3. Select Create a new segment


4. Select Add profile data for your segment


5. Select Other Data


6. Further define your segment from the available dropdowns

  • Data field: Select WordFlyOrigin
  • Operator: Select equal to
  • Select options: WordFly Signup, WordFly Lightbox or Import


7. Select Add to segment


8. Select Apply to list



Segment by date a subscriber was added (WordFlySubscribeDate)

Send an email to all the subscribers that have been added to your account on a specific date or date range via WordFly Signup subscribe page, WordFly Lightbox or were imported from a list. The data field that corresponds to when the subscriber was added to WordFly is WordFlySubscribeDate. Each subscriber has a unique WordFlySubscribeDate logged at the time of subscribing and this date is used to segment by subscribe date.


What to expect when segmenting by subscribe date:

  • The WordFlySubscribeDate data field is added to accounts once a day. Segmenting for same-day may not give the expected results.
  • Greater than and less than operators are the best to use for WordFlySubscribeDate. These operators essentially let you pick a date range as opposed to operators containing an equal to portion which will consider the subscribe time and may return unexpected results.
  • Segmentation by WordFlySubscribeDate looks for dates of when people joined WordFly and not the specific list being segmented.
  • Note, when segmenting your WordFly Signup or Lightbox subscribe list, the segment number total will not necessarily match what you're seeing in the list history for subscribe form signups because WordFlySubscribeDate is added once a day and is based on when a subscriber is first added to WordFly.


1. In an email campaign, select or import your list on the Subscribers tab



2. On the List Summary page, select More List Actions > Segment Your List


3. Select Create a new segment


4. Select Add profile data


5. Select Other Data


6. Further define your segment from the available dropdowns

  • Data field: Select WordFlySubscribeDate
  • Operator: Select the greater than operator or less than operators
  • Open field: enter in the date(s) you would like to segment by with each operator
  • Any/All dropdown: Adjust the Any/All toggle to ALL

This example is helpful for capturing all subscribers who subscribed during a window of time.


7. Select Add to segment


8. Select Apply to list