Hide/show content for mobile, desktop, or RSVP views

Article author
Miguel Panayotty
  • Updated

Adjust which content displays on mobile versus desktop in your design. For example, hide a long navigation bar on mobile or hide a mobile-enhanced image on desktop. Any block in your design can be hidden on mobile or desktop.



Hide content on mobile or desktop view

To hide content on mobile or desktop in your design, click on the block and adjust the Visibility options by checking the box for Hide on mobile or Hide on desktop.



Use the slider bar to watch your design update to the mobile view to see how the content hides on mobile.


Not seeing this option? Some older versions of emails designs will not have this option. Update your code.



Hide selected text on mobile

In text blocks, you can select a section of text and apply a mobile-hide class to hide the content on mobile. You can also click on an image in a text area and add a class of mobile-hide.


1. Open your design

2. Select any text block from the preview panel

3. Highlight the text or double click on the image you would like to high on mobile and apply the 'mobile-hide' class

You can select 'mobile-hide' from the class dropdown or type 'mobile-hide' into this field.


Hide/show blocks in RSVP Yes or No view

In RSVP pages, blocks can be hidden until a person clicks the Yes or No button. By default, this includes the Captcha and Submit blocks. Use the checkboxes in the toolbar to preview the Yes or No blocks.

To show/hide your own blocks for Yes or No views, click on the block and adjust the Visibility options by checking the box for Only Show To (Yes view / No view) or Do Not Show To (Yes view / No view).



Notification about hidden blocks

Once a block is hidden, a yellow notification will appear at the top of the screen to indicate hidden elements.