Add an embedded video

Article author
Miguel Panayotty

Videos can play directly in emails, but the technique is not widely supported.


Support for embedded video

Not all email clients support embedded video. In these cases, the subscriber will see a fallback image and a link directing them to watch the video on your website, YouTube, or Vimeo. iPhone’s running iOS 10+ do support video in email. However, predecessors iOS 8 and iOS 9 do not support it (the video and the fallback link don’t work either). Apple Mail also supports it.


Apple Mail Yes on desktop and iPhones running iOS 10+. Not on iPhones running iOS 8+ (see note above)  
Lotus Notes   Yes
Outlook (PC)   Yes
Outlook (Mac) Yes*  
Thunderbird Yes *  
AOL Mail   Yes
Gmail   Yes
Hotmail Yes* Yes**
Yahoo Mail   Yes
Android   Yes
Blackberry   Yes
iPhone, iPad Yes  

 *requires right-click to play

**Older browsers show the fallback image



Hosting your video

Videos must be hosted in a publicly accessible folder. For example, you can host your video on your website or in a hosting service that allows public access to video files outside a media player. This is important to note because services such as Dropbox and Google Drive utilize their own player to avoid hosting video files for HTML (websites or emails). WordFly's media library cannot host video files.


Video versions

It’s important to upload the correct video format that is requested in the video embed tool. Do not add video links to YouTube, Vimeo, or other video hosting sites for your mp4 and other video versions.


Video format support

Android Yes    
Chrome Yes Yes Yes
Edge Yes    
Firefox   Yes  
iOS Yes    
Opera     Yes
Safari Yes Yes Yes



Add an embedded video to your design

Follow these steps to add an embedded video and appropriate fallbacks in your design.


1. Add a Video block to the right panel


2. In the left panel, switch to Embedded


3. Add your embedded video links and poster/fallback images

Type in the URLs for the various formats. You don’t need to create all three versions of your video but you’ll get the best support if you do.


MP4 At a minimum, include an `MP4` file because it has the best cross-platform/client support.
OGG, WebM `OGG` and `WebM` files are optional. They can be included as fallbacks if `MP4` isn't supported.
Poster image Displays for email clients and browsers that support embedded video. If a poster image isn’t selected, the first frame of the video will be used as a poster.
Fallback image Displays when for email clients and browsers that do not support embedded video. Upload the same image as your poster image or make a separate image for this element.


Tip: If you paste in the full YouTube or Vimeo link, the editor will automatically add your video thumbnail and alt text. (The shortened “share” link will not work.)



4. Click Save