Use a retargeting pixel

Article author
Miguel Panayotty

Add retargeting tracking pixels to your design. Your tracking vendor will provide instructions to help with the placement of the pixels in order for the tracking to work. There are two options for implementing these pixels in designs.


Add the pixel to your footer

1. Click on a text block at the bottom of your email


2. Select the HTML button from the left panel


3. Paste in the retargeting pixel code inside one of the last paragraph tags (...</p>). Then click I’m Done.


4. Save your updates


5. Test your updates with your vendor to confirm it is working as expected


Add the pixel to the end of your HTML

In order to make sure your tracking pixel is invisible to the recipient and works without issue, you will need to make sure it is added to the end of the HTML before the closing body tag. This is a bulletproof option for implementing these pixels.


1. Finish adding all of your content to your design


2. Click on HTML tab in the lower left corner from the edit content panel


3. Scroll down the HTML to the closing </body> tag


4. Hit Enter to add a return before that body tag


5. Add the retargeting tracking pixel like our example below

The example below is our WordFly tracking pixel, adding your tracking pixel in the same way will ensure it is hidden from view.


img src="" width="1" height="1" border="0" style="position:absolute; left: -10000px;">


6. Save your updates


7. Test your updates