Google Analytics link tracking

Article author
Miguel Panayotty

One of the best free tools available to everyone using digital marketing is Google Analytics (GA). WordFly can dynamically tag every link in your email and send this information back to your website’s Google Analytics account. Use this option to measure conversions directly from an email campaign to activity on your website.



Activate Google Analytics in your account

If you already have a Google Analytics account that is set up to track data from your website, go to Account > Account Options to activate Google Analytics link tracking.


1. Go to Account


2. Click Account Options


3. Check the box for Google Analytics

4. Click Save



Use Google Analytics in your campaign

On the Settings tab of a new or In Progress campaign, you can decide whether to activate Google Analytics link tracking or not. The option is automatically selected if you have enabled Google Analytics in the Account section.




What WordFly appends to your links for Google Analytics tracking

When the Add Google Analytics tags to links option is enabled for your campaign, WordFly appends the following default data to your links:


utm_source Campaign Source. This will be "wordfly"
utm_medium Campaign Medium. This will be "email"
utm_campaign Campaign Name. The WordFly campaign name will be used for this. Spaces will be removed.
utm_content Campaign Content (utm_content): This will be used to differentiate between "version_A" and "version_B"*


*Your Campaign Content (utm_content) can be customized by adding names for all your links. WordFly will send the link name clicked. Learn how


After your campaign is sent, log in to your Google Analytics account to see how the appended data is translated.


Here’s what this looks like by default:

Source wordfly
Medium email
Name CampaignName
Content VersionA, VersionB (if A/B testing)




Review email campaigns in Google Analytics

This is a general guideline for reviewing your email campaign data in your website GA account. For expert guidance there are many great guides from Google.


1. Log in to your GA account

Browse to and select 'Sign In' in the upper right corner. After signing in, select Analytics.

2. Select the main website profile for your organization.




3. Select Acquisition > Campaigns > All Campaigns from the left nav.



4. You should see the "Explorer" tab now.

In this section you'll drill down further to review your email campaign data.


To find reports for sent email

You can filter by Medium, Source or Campaign Name to revire your sent emails in your GA account.

To filter by medium (ex, utm_medium=email)

From the Explorer tab, filter the data to your specific email campaign. Click the Secondary dimension dropdown below the "Campaign" primary dimension, then select Acquisition > Medium. Type 'email' into the advanced search bar. This will pull back all your email campaigns using utm_medium=email.


To filter by source (e.g., utm_source=wordfly)

From the Explorer tab, filter the data to your specific email campaign. Click the primary dimension Source. Next to the search field, enter your campaign source term (ex, 'wordfly' as in utm_source=wordfly) and click the magnifying glass button. This will pull back all your email campaigns using utm_source=wordfly.



To find reports for A/B testing campaigns

AB campaigns will have a ‘utm_content’ variation for A versus B ("utm_content=version_A" or "utm_content=version_B”). You can see utm_content results in your GA account under the Explorer tab, first from your campaign name and then from the Primary Dimension click the Other drop-down and then select Acquisition > Ad Content report.


To find revenue for email campaigns

Review revenue generated from the email campaign. From the Explorer tab, select ‘Ecommerce’ to see how much revenue was generated from a specific Campaign.






If there seems to be something wrong with your Google Analytics tracking, there are a few things to check.


1. Is Google Analytics turned on in the campaign?

To double-check, go to the Send tab of your campaign. Scroll down to the Settings section. If Google Analytics was enabled, you’ll see Add Google Analytics tags to links listed under Options. If you aren‘t seeing this, then the option was not checked on the Settings tab during the campaign setup.


2. Does your website code allow the Google Analytics variables in links?

Your website pages need to allow outside parameters in order to accept the links that contain Google Analytics tracking (utm_source=, utm_campaign=, utm_medium=). If links from your email are redirecting to your site and resulting in “page not found” or some other type of error, then it is likely that your website pages are not accepting outside parameters.


3. Is there a space after the URL in your campaign or a special character?

Google Analytics isn’t able to track the link and actions if there is a space or special character in or after the campaign name in your URLs. Make sure to test your links before sending your campaign.