Guide to segmentation

Article author
Bryan Garcia

You can use segmentation to target a specific group of subscribers based on any data that is stored in WordFly (Profile Data) or any event response from a WordFly email campaign (Activity). For organizations using the Tessitura CRM integration, you can segment by source number.



Segment types

Profile Data Engagement
Include people based on their engagement rating (stars) and score
Profile Data Preferences
Include people based on their interests
Profile Data CRM Data
Include people based on CRM subscribe date, CRM subscriber ID, and download number
Profile Data Other data
Include people based on content in any data field in your account
Activity Receive
Include people who did or did not receive a previous campaign
Activity Open
Include people who did or did not open a campaign
Activity Click
Include people who did or did not click a campaign
Activity Forward
Include people who did or did not forward a campaign
Activity Bounce
Include people who did or did not bounce (hard or soft bounce)



All segmentation is created and applied inside a standard email campaign. You’ll find the Segment your list feature on the Subscribers step after you import your list. When you create a new segment, you will be asked to define the requirements. Only subscribers who meet the requirements defined in the segment will be included in the deployed email campaign.


Segmentation only includes subscribers in a campaign’s list. You can use the operators to suppress subscribers, but only includes. You can fine tune how multiple segments are applied by selecting whether the subscriber must meet Any or All of the requirements.


  • Any means the subscriber can meet any one of the segments and will be included. Even if a segment does not include the subscriber, they would be included if one segment does include them.
  • All means the subscriber must meet every segment to be included. If the subscriber does not meet even one of the segments, the subscriber will not be included.



Once a segment is applied, it will dynamically update every 2 hours after the segment was applied and updates the counts. Think of the segment like a rule or a filter being applied to the list. Once applied, select Reapply before sending if within two hours since the last check.


Segmentation is applied when an email campaign is deployed. Keep this in mind when you are testing personalization using Testing > Subscriber Preview. The segment will not be applied as a filter for subscriber preview.



Add a segment to your campaign

Let’s review how to add a segment to your email campaign’s list. All segmentation is created and applied inside an email campaign. First build your email campaign and import or select your subscriber list. You will add your segment on the subscriber list summary page.


1. Go to Emails > Email Campaigns


2. Select an In Progress email campaign


3. Click on the Subscribers tab of the email campaign


4. Import or select your existing subscriber list


5. On the List Summary page, select More List Actions > Segment Your List


6. Select which type of requirement you’d like to segment by

You can segment by: Profile Data or Activity


7. Use the Profile Data or Activity options to further define your segment

Profile Data: Engagement rating (stars) or score, Preferences, CRM Source, CRM data, other data (such as email, city, WordFlyOrigin etc)

Activity: Receive (did receive or did not receive an email), Open (did open or did not open), Click (did click or did not click), Forward (did forward or did not forward), Bounce (did bounce or did not bounce)


8. When you’re ready, click Add to Segment


9. (Optional) Repeat steps 6–8 as needed


10. Select whether Any or All of the requirements must be met in order to include a person in a segment.

Any means the subscriber can meet any one of the segment requirements and will be included. All means the subscriber must meet every requirement to be included.


11. When you’re done selecting your options, select Apply to List


When you send your campaign, only the subscribers who meet the requirements will be included in the campaign.



Edit a segment

On the Subscribers step, select Edit next to the Segment summary. This will take you to the Segment Your List page where you initially built your segment. You’ll be able to modify the requirements of your segment as needed.



Reapply a segment

After applying a segment you may want to reapply a segment to update the list counts. On the Subscribers step, select Reapply next to the Segment summary.


If a segment returns 0 subscribers, messaging will display to reapply or review your segment: ”No subscribers meet the segment requirements. This campaign will not send to anyone. If this is unexpected, try reapplying the segment or reviewing your data.“



Remove a segment


1. In your In Progress email campaign, select the Subscribers tab


2. Select Remove next to the Segment summary


Your campaign will now be sent to the entire subscriber list.