We’ve got an exciting new collection of updates for you this month! We were so inspired by your great suggestions at TLCC2021, we decided to make this another “all request” launch. Keep reading to find out about our new query string tool, the ability to pass data into Pages forms, new TikTok icons and our informative “news and updates” section which gives you one-click access to everything that’s new and interesting about WordFly.
More customization for Pages
Pass data into forms
You now have the option to pass answers and selections into questions inside RSVPs, Surveys, and more, including hidden questions. This is accomplished by adding query strings to the link from your email campaign.
This feature is helpful for a post-show surveys, where you can set up an automated email campaign that pulls the performance number from an output set and appends it to the post-show survey URL. When the subscriber clicks on the link, the performance number is automatically pre-populated in the form.
Learn how to customize your forms with query strings
Query String builder tool
To make it easier to build your URLs, we’ve added a new tool for viewing and adding query string parameters in the editor. You can access this tool next to any `href` field. Enter the name and value for your parameter and WordFly will add it to your URL.
New for Tessitura users
Disable CRM updates for Opens
In preparation for Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection updates, we’ve added a new account option to stop open events from sending back to Tessitura.
Maps in reporting
Geolocation for campaigns, Subscriber Insights, and profiles
See at-a-glance where your subscribers are opening, clicking and unsubscribing your emails across the world. Locations are approximate. You can view the map in the following places in WordFly:
- Subscribers > Insights
- Subscribers > Search for Subscriber > Profile
- Sent Email Campaigns > Your Campaign > Locations tab
More enhancements
TikTok icons
You’ll now see TikTok icons in our social icons library in place of the now retired Google+ icons.
Former subscribers can now resubscribe themselves to a list if they have previously unsubscribed from it, hard bounced, or complained. Now if somebody has accidentally unsubscribed, you can have them sign up again.
Editor Fixes
We fixed up the issue where the Save button didn’t activate after updating the `href` field. We also fixed the case where a bug prevented all social icons from loading in the Add Icon UI.