Can I resend an email campaign?

Article author
Miguel Panayotty

Once an email campaign is sent you can’t resend it to any new subscribers. Even if you update the list assigned to the campaign those new subscribers will not receive the email. There are some alternatives you can explore which will give you the same or better results.


Send a new email campaign

The closest solution to resending an email campaign is to create a new one with the same Settings, Email, and Subscriber List. You will most likely change one of the three, depending on the reason to resend.


1. Go to Email > Create a campaign


2. Fill out the Settings tab page with the same information as the original campaign. You may want to take a screenshot of the original in advance to use as reference.



3. On the Email tab choose Select an existing one and select the same email used in the original campaign.


 4. On the Subscribers tab, select the option that’s best for your email resend.


For example:

  • Select Add Manually if you want to send to a few new subscribers.
  • Select Use an existing list and choose the same list as the original campaign. You may need to use WordFly segmentation to filter who the list is being sent to.



Alternatives to sending a new campaign


Archive URL

Send the subscriber your archive URL for the campaign. Learn more


PNG or PDF of email

Send the subscriber a PNG or PDF download of the email. The PDF option contains links. Learn more


Forward to a Friend

If you received the email, you can use Forward to a Friend to send a copy of the email to up to 10 subscribers. Learn more


WordFly-Tessitura Custom Screen links (Tessitura-integrated accounts)

You can click "Resend" for any email from the WordFly custom screen in Tessitura. This is a single resend option on individual constituent records. You will need to have the WordFly custom screen set up in Tessitura for this option. Learn more