RSVP and Survey form blocks

Article author
Miguel Panayotty

WordFly RSVP and Survey Pages use form blocks to collect and submit responses. There are required form blocks that are needed for submitting the form and cannot be removed from the page. And there are additional form blocks for collecting information from respondents.





Required form blocks

  • RSVP Yes and No block
    Required for RSVP Pages, for either a Yes or No response. It is not meant to be deleted, duplicated, replaced with new buttons, or moved into a new column or container.
  • Submit block
    Required for submitting RSVP and Survey Pages in order to collect page results.


Additional form blocks

Other form blocks for collecting data are:

  • Radio
  • Checkbox
  • Dropdown
  • Survey
  • Text area
  • Text field


What to expect with Pages form blocks:

  • The RSVP and Survey Page can have unlimited form blocks added to the design. Add checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdowns, and open text areas.
  • Any form block can be marked as required. When marked, the respondent must complete the form before submitting the page.
  • All form block have an +Additional Note field for adding a note below the Question field.
  • Modify design styles from the STYLESHEET > General Styles or All Blocks to carry styles through the whole Page Set.




Submit form blocks


RSVP and Survey pages contain required blocks for submitting responses. These blocks cannot be deleted.




Move the blocks to a new location if needed and use styles to customize the design. If you move the required blocks into another container (such as a two-column or other structural block), that container cannot be deleted. Move the required blocks out of the container to be able to delete the container.



How to change the Submit Button styles for RSVP and Survey Pages

The Submit Button form block style uses separate styles than single button blocks. You can edit your Submit Button form block styles in the main STYLESHEET


To update Submit Button form block style:



2. Select the Submit Button form block.


3. Modify the styles here to update Submit button styles globally.




How to update the RSVP block Yes / No buttons

RSVP Page Yes / No buttons can only be changed from the preview panel. Click on the RSVP block to access the edit content panel on the left side where you can make changes to the block styles.


To update RSVP Page Yes / No buttons:

1. Click on the RSVP block from the preview panel (right side).


2. Click on STYLES from the edit content panel (left side).


3. Modify the styles for the Yes / No Button elements.


The RSVP Yes/No button check mark (selected state) is white. Use another background color to change the color; for example, gray or black or another appropriate color.


To update RSVP Page Yes / No buttons check mark background:


1. Click on the RSVP block from the preview panel (right side).


2. Click on STYLES from the edit content panel (left side).


3. Select the Yes/No Buttons Checked element.


4. Select a Background color.


What is reCaptcha

RSVP and Survey Pages both have captcha blocks. reCaptcha is a service from Google that helps protect our Pages from spam and abuse. The captcha form will ask the user more questions the more suspicious it is.




Radio form block

Radio form blocks let you set up a list of choices where there is only one answer to select. The choices are exclusive; when a radio button is selected, any previously selected radio button becomes deselected.

In the open Answers field where you see "option 1, option 2, option 3", you can edit these options to your selections and add new options by hitting enter (return) on your keyboard to type in the next option.


You can display radio options in 2- or 3-columns using the checkbox options on the left side.

 *Are you not seeing the 2- or 3-columns option? You might need to update your Page code.


To update the height globally for radio buttons:

1. Go to the STYLESHEET tab (left side).

2. Open Form Blocks.

3. Select Radio Buttons.

4. Open the Radio button element.

5. Open Adjust spacing and adjust margin.


To update the height individually for radio buttons:

1. Select the Form block from the preview panel (right side).

2. Click on STYLES (this will default to This block).

3. Select the Radio button element.

4. Open Adjust spacing and adjust margin.



Checkbox form block

Checkbox form blocks let you set up a list of choices where there may be multiple options to select for the answer. The choices are not mutually exclusive.



In the open Answers field where you see "option 1, option 2, option 3", you can edit these options to your selections and add new options by hitting enter (return) on your keyboard to type in the next option.


You can display checkbox options in 2- or 3-columns using the checkbox options on the left side.

*Are you not seeing the 2- or 3-columns option? You might need to update your Page code.


To update the height globally for checkbox answers:

1. Go to the STYLESHEET tab (left side).

2. Open Form Blocks.

3. Select Checkboxes.

4. Open the Checkbox element.

5. Open Adjust spacing and adjust margin.


To update the height individually for checkbox answers:

1. Select the Form block from the preview panel (right side).

2. Click on STYLES (this will default to This block).

3. Select the Checkbox element.

4. Open Adjust spacing and adjust margin.




Dropdown form block

Dropdown form blocks let you set up a list of choices where there is only one answer to select. The choices are exclusive; when a value is selected, any previously selected list value is no longer selected. The answer will display in the dropdown placeholder once selected.




Survey form block

Survey form blocks are set to 5 answers by default. Use the Add button to add up to 6 more options. Toggle answer formats to Disagree-Agree or 1-5. Use the Box style checkbox to change from a radio button to a box format. Edit the answer fields to your desired information by typing in anything else you prefer. You must include a label for each answer option in order for Page Results to collect appropriately. Respondents may select only one answer. 


Keep in mind:

  • Net Promoter score uses a scale of 0-10. Use the Add button to add up to 11 options.
  • Consider how your survey block will display on mobile. More then 5 answers on mobile will be a tight fit!


Are you not seeing the Add button and Box Style? You might need to update your Page code.



Text area form block

Text area form blocks have a maxlength setting. Set this to the highest character length you will allow. Each character is equal to 1. For example, if you allow 250 characters this includes any spaces and punctuation.




Text field form block

Text field form blocks collect different types of data that must be typed into the open text field. Data includes dates, email, number, phone, text, time or a URL. Each field has it's own built-in validation. Set a field to required or not. (Optional) On select fields write a regular expression for the data validation.


Select from 7 text field types:

  • Date: Show a date picker. Use-case, collect a birthday date.
  • Email: Collect an email address.
  • Number: Open text field for a number value.
  • Phone: Open text field for a phone number. Use-case, collect a home or mobile contact number.
  • Text: Collect text. Use-case, best for short text. Use a Text area form block for longer areas of text.
  • Time: Show a time picker. Use-case, collect the best time for a follow up call.
  • URL: Collect a URL.


Date and time text field form blocks aren't supported everywhere and will display as open text fields in these cases. Use maxlength to set a limit on how much text can be added and use placeholder or question text to show the format requested. For example, if asking for a date, show a preferred date format as the placeholder text (Ex, mm/dd/yyyy). If you want to collect a date that is just a month, use Text Field Form > Type > Text. Enter Month in the Placeholder field and set a maxlength.


Regular Expression Patterns

(Optional) You can write a regular expression pattern to ensure accuracy for some of the fields. Example, write a regular expression for email type to check that the email contains a valid top-level domain and no spaces in the address portion. Or, write a regular expression to make sure a phone number contains dashes.



Set maxlength to the highest character length you will allow a user to input. Each character is equal to 1. For example, if you allow 250 characters this includes any spaces and punctuation.