Send an anonymous Survey

Article author
Miguel Panayotty
  • Updated

Survey responses can only be tracked when your published page is linked in an email campaign. Responses can be anonymous or associated to a subscriber.


To make sure your survey will be anonymous, you will need to use the public URL without the ?sid=##subscriberMailingId## tag.


Copy the public URL from the Settings tab


1. Go to Pages > Settings

2. Copy the Public untracked link (top option)

3. Paste it into any email campaign




Browse to the public URL building your email


1. Select any block from the preview panel (right side).


2. In the URL field (or href field for text links), select Browse Pages.


3. You will see all your Pages. By default, the option to Associate with email subscriber will be enabled. You will need to disable it.

IMPORTANT: This option must be unchecked to make responses anonymous for subscribers.

4. Select the Page you want to link to.


5. Your Page URL will be added to the URL field (or href field).

Make sure the link does not havesubscriber mailing ID tracking tag ?sid=##subscriberMailingId## appended to the end, like this: