Set up a seed list

Article author
Bryan Garcia

What is a seed list?

A seed list is a common way to include specific addresses on all email campaigns that send for an organization. Seed lists are helpful for confirming email deployments and ensuring that key stakeholders are included in an email deployment regardless of the main list being used.


What to expect when setting up a WordFly seed list:

  • A seed list is a single list in your account that will be automatically included on all sent emails.
  • Each organization may assign one seed list for standard campaigns and one seed list for triggered campaigns. One list can be assigned to both types of campaigns.
  • Only lists with fewer than 100 subscribers can be assigned as a seed list.
  • Only users with Account access can designate seed lists and make modification.
  • Once a seed list is assigned, a green icon will appear next to it.
  • Addresses can be added and removed from the seed list at anytime.

What to expect when sending to a WordFly seed list:

  • Seed list addresses will still receive a copy of the email even if the address is on the assigned suppression list.
  • For standard campaigns, seed list addresses will only receive the email once, even if they are on the main list and the seed list. The seed list is applied to the campaign after the main list. Therefore, if an address is on the main list, that address will receive that version of the email with any personalization provided from the main list.
  • For triggered campaigns, an email will be sent to each address on the seed list each time it sends—unless there are no addresses imported.
  • AB campaigns will deploy both versions of the email to each address on the seed list.
  • Personalization through list data fields will not be applied to any emails received from the seed list. Subscriber data fields may be included if the seed address has updated data in WordFly for subscriber data.
  • Seed list addresses are included in your Reporting “Sent to” total.
  • Any email responses (opens, clicks, unsubscribes, bounces) generated by addresses on the seed list will be included in the reporting stats for the sent email campaign.
  • Emails sent to on the seed list will count in monthly totals under the Pay Per Email pricing plan and as active subscribers under the Monthly Subscriber pricing plan.



Set up a seed list

You can designate or remove a seed list assignment by following these steps. Any subscribers imported into this list will be included in all sent email campaigns. Importing new subscribers into this list will add those addresses to the seed list immediately. Be sure to inform your team about the seed list to ensure no accidental imports or deletions occur.


First, create your seed list:

1. Go to Subscriber > Lists


2. Select Create an email list


3. Select one of the options available to import your addresses

You can import your seed addresses as a CSV file import, CRM import or manual copy/paste import.

4. Name your seed list something specific such as "Seed list"

5. Finish importing addresses into your new seed list

6. [Optional] Assign a Label to your seed list

A label helps to tag this list as a separate list from other lists. Example of a new label could be, "Seed list for all sent emails"


Second, assign the list as a seed list:

1. Go to Subscriber > Lists


2.  Click on the name of your seed list

3.  From the list options, select "Set as standard seed list"


CRM-integrated customers, users will see the standard option as well as "Set as Triggered Seed List".


Your list is now designated as a seed list and a seed list icon will appear next to it.



Remove a seed list

If your seed list has over 100 subscribers, you may proceed to assign a new list as the seed list, or else use option 2 below to delete the list.


Option 1: Remove the seed list from list options

1. Go to Subscribers > Lists


2. Click on the name of the seed list


3. Select the option "Remove as Standard Seed List" (or "Remove as Triggered Seed List")



—or— Option 2: Delete the seed list

1. Go to Subscribers > Lists

2. Check the box to the right of the seed list


3. Click the gear icon above the checkbox column


4. Select Delete from the end of the gear menu