Download a PNG or PDF of your email design

Article author
Bryan Garcia

You can quickly save a PNG or PDF of your email in WordFly that can use in presentations or other documents. Use these options to archive an email design or to do a final review before deploying your email.


Save a PNG image of an email


1. Go to Email > Emails


2. Find the name of your email


3. Click on the magnifying glass under the HTML column (to the right of the email name)

This will load a preview of the email.


4. Select the Desktop or Mobile icon, select select Download (cloud and arrow icon)

The Desktop or Mobile icon you select determine which option you download.



Save a PDF of an email

1. Go to Email > Emails


2. Find the name of your email


3. Click on the document icon under the PDF column (to the right of the email name)


4. A window will pop up to ask you to Save. Click Save.


The email will download as a PDF file. You can retrieve the file from your downloads folder.