Personalize your emails

Article author
Miguel Panayotty
  • Updated

Personalization brings friendliness and familiarity to your email. It can increase your open and click rates as well. The most common form of personalization is adding the subscriber’s first or last name in the salutation, but that’s only the beginning. By using WordFly data fields and conditions, any data you have in your list can be imported and used within the body of the email or in your subject line.


How does personalization work?

It’s critical to map your data correctly when you import lists into WordFly. The list mapping step is always the last step of the import process before clicking Start Importing (unless you're importing via a manual copy/paste, then you're not mapping fields).


During your list import, under the Map your fields step, click Change to map your list fields to WordFly data fields.


Proper field mapping ensures that your data will be imported into the correct field and displayed correctly in your email.


Let’s say you want to personalize the salutation of your email to read, “Dear Tom.” To do this, you would insert a basic dynamic tag into your email to populate the correct data. It would look like this: {{##First Name## || Patron}}.


Dynamic tags work by looking at the data you’ve imported into WordFly and putting it in the correct spot in your email. As long as you’ve imported the first name and mapped it correctly, WordFly will drop in the first name whenever the dynamic tag is present in the email. In First Name example, if the first name wasn’t provided for that subscriber, WordFly would insert “Patron” in place of the first name.


What happens if you make a mistake and import your data in the wrong field? Let’s say you accidentally import “Zip Code” into the First Name field. WordFly will display the data as it was mapped; instead of “Dear Tom,” you’re going to wind up with a salutation that reads “Dear 90210”.


The easiest way to fix wrong data is to re-import your list with the correct mapping. The data fields will update with new imports when the data in the list is different. Note that empty data fields do not update already imported data.



Verify data imported for a subscriber

You can verify the data imported for a subscriber and confirm personalization is correct in two ways.


Use Subscriber Preview

In your email campaign, under the Testing tab, use Subscriber Preview to see how your data fields and dynamic tags are working with the list you imported.
Learn more about using Subscriber Preview


Check subscriber data and list data on the subscriber record

You can verify that your data was imported correctly by looking up subscriber records in WordFly and verifying a few subscriber records.
Learn more about checking subscriber data