Automated Post-show email

Article author
Miguel Panayotty

This article serves as a starting point for your Tessitura list and output set criteria. Please refer to the Tessitura Help System for expert guidance: v15 | v16

Send automated post-show emails to your constituents who attended a past performance. We’ve put together basic post-show email list criteria to help you get started.


Create post-show list criteria in Tessitura

Once set up, this list criteria can be valid for the entire season regardless of the production making only one automated campaign necessary. Dynamic tags and data fields can be used to personalize email content for each send.

"Ticket Performance Date"

  • Tickets - Performance Date use relative >= DayRunDate -1
  • Tickets - Performance Date use relative <= RunDate
  • Or, Attendance - Performance Date is another method to pull the confirmed attendance.

“E-Market Restriction”

  • EAddress Market Flag is No, this pulls subscribers without a marketing flag (Note: this field will be deprecated after v16 Tessitura).


  • Primary Eaddress Flag is Yes to pull an email addressed marked as primary address (a primary Eaddress can’t be inactive so you don’t have to check for that)
  • (optional) Eaddress Inactive in No to pull only active email. This is not necessary if using the Primary Eaddress Flag.
  • (optional if using contact purposes) Electronic Address Purpose to pull addresses with specific contact purposes.
  • (optional if using interests) Constituent Interests in selected interest.


Create post-show output set in Tessitura

This can be very basic and may fit with your default output set. Your output set may only need to return the following dynamic information:

  • Customer Fname (First Name)
  • Customer Lname (Last Name)
  • Eaddress email (Email)
  • (optional) Salutation_inside

If ticket history information needs to be included, such as performance date and name, the best option is to create custom output set elements since the default output set elements return multiple rows and can't be used for email.

Tessitura’s Output Set Recipe Book is helpful for this step. In the documentation, Tessitura provides a custom view that returns last performance attended data. Follow the instructions to run the custom view in your database and create the output set elements that return the data you want to use. (Requires login)

View output set recipe for Performance Emails: v15 | v16


Every Tessitura database is different so it’s important to review with your team and make sure any applied criteria works with your data.



Set up automation in WordFly

After you have set up your list and output set criteria in Tessitura, you can set up your automation in WordFly.

Learn more