Suppress WordFly Signup subscribers from a campaign

Article author
Bryan Garcia

Are you using the WordFly Signup subscribe landing page or Lightbox Signup to collect email addresses? Read through this article to learn how to suppress your signup customers from being sent in other emails.


Suppress WordFly Signup and Lightbox subscribers from a new email


1. Go to Email > Email Campaigns


2. Click the name of your In Progress email campaign


3. Click on the Subscribers tab of the email campaign


4. Assign a list to your email campaign

You can use any option to assign subscribers to your email campaign. For example, assign an existing list or import a new list


Once your list is assigned you will be on the List Summary page. 


5. Select More list actions > Segment your list


6. Select Create a new segment


7. Select Add profile data as the type of segment


8. Select Other data


8. From the available dropdowns, select the following:

Data Field: WordFlyOrigin

Operator: Not equal to

From the last dropdown select the WordFlyOrigin you want to suppress, such as WordFly Signup.


9. Select Add to segment


10. Repeat steps 8 and 9

This time plan to select the other WordFlyOrigin you want to suppress, such as WordFly Lightbox.


11. (Optional) Save your segment

Give your segment a name to save it for use in the future. This is a great option if this segment will be used again.


12. Select Apply to list


After applying the segment to your list you will return to the List Summary screen. You will see your segment applied and the list total will dynamically update to sift out all your subscribers who signed up through WordFly Signup or Lightbox. When you send your email campaign it will only be sent to subscribers who were not added by one of these origins.