Create a Help Center account

Article author
Miguel Panayotty

Create a Help Center account to track the progress of current tickets or review previous tickets. You don’t need to have an account to ask a question.


Help Center account benefits

Creating an account will allow you to see tickets you have opened with our support team.

  • See the status of your tickets (open, pending, and solved)
  • Track progress of questions, requests, and issues
  • Reference previous ticket resolutions
  • Review tickets you have been added to as a CC

Here’s an example of what you’ll see when logged in...


Have you already emailed us?

If you have worked with our support team through email, you already have an account set up. Once your email is in our system, you only need to reset your password to access your account.


1. In the Help Center, click Sign In from the upper-right


2. Click the Get a password link


3. Enter your email in the email field

This is probably your work email. It is the email used to correspond with


4. Click Submit


5. In the inbox of the email you used for the signup, open the reset email from WordFly Support. Click on the password reset link in the email


6. Enter in your new password in the password field, then click Change Password


7. You’re all set. You are automatically logged in.




Create a new Help Center account

Use this option if you have never emailed our support team before.


1. In the Help Center, click Sign In from the upper-right


2. Click the Sign up link from the Sign in window


3. Fill out all the required * fields and click Sign Up


4. In the inbox of the email you used for the signup, open the email from WordFly Support. Click on the verification link.


5. You’ll be redirected to a new window. Enter a password for your Help Center account and then click Set Password.


Password requirements:

  • At least 6 characters
  • Different from username
  • Include letters in mixed case and numbers
  • Include a character that is not a letter or number


6. Your Help Center account is now set up. You are logged in automatically.




Update Help Center tickets

Once you have a Help Center account created, you can see your open, pending, and solved tickets anytime. Log in to see the status of your tickets and send updates.


1. Log in to your Help Center account


2. Once logged in, click on your name in the upper-right and select 'My Activities'

This will take you to your requests.


3. Under Requests, click on your ticket


4. Add a reply to a ticket here

You can also reply to your ticket within your email inbox. Either way works.