Remove customers from your prospect list

Article author
Miguel Panayotty

Are you using the WordFly Signup subscribe landing page or Lightbox Signup to collect email addresses? Are you also managing customers in a CRM? Then you are probably managing subscribers in two locations - WordFly and your CRM.

Your WordFly subscribe pages are more like a prospect list when you use a CRM to manage your customers. It's important to keep your prospect list separate from your customer list. Read through this article to learn how to suppress your customers from being sent emails via the prospect list.


Note: This article is most appropriate for our CRM-integrated customers.


What’s the difference between a prospect and a customer?

In WordFly the main differentiation between a prospect and a customer is the presence of the data field CrmSubscriberId. This data field is populated during a list import when you map your CRM’s unique customer number field to WordFly's subscriber data field CrmSubscriberId.


Once a subscriber has a customer number and that number is populated in WordFly's CrmSubscriberId data field we call them a 'customer' since it means they have created an account in your database through some kind of transaction with your organization.



Removing customers from the prospect list

Once a prospect is converted to a customer you can remove subscribers with the CrmSubscriberId data field so that customers do not receive emails intended for the potential customer target. Or, you can use segmentation to suppress customers from the prospect list - learn more about this option in the next section. You may like having a cleaner list by removing prospects from the list; in which case, follow the steps in this section to remove those subscribers.


Steps for removing your customers from your prospect list:

First, export your prospect list from WordFly to find all the subscribers that have a customer number from your CRM.


1. Go to Reporting > Export Data


2. Under step 1, select export type 'Subscribers by list'

3. Under step 2, select your prospect list

Your prospect list is typically the list assigned to your WordFly Signup form. You can confirm the signup list by going to Account > Subscribe Settings.

4. Under step 3, select the toggle CRM Data

Clicking the CRM Data toggle will automatically select the CrmSubscriberID data field which is your CRM customer number.

5. Click Start Export

6. Download the subscribers by list file



Next, isolate the subscribers who have a customer number.


1. Open the subscribers by list file export


2. Filter the data to isolate all addresses with CrmSubscriberID
Any subscribers with a CrmSubscriberID are your prospects turned customers. The presence of CrmSubscriberID indicates the subscriber now has a customer record in your database.


3. Copy these addresses



Now, remove the customers from your prospect list. You can remove up to 5,000 addresses at a time.


1. Go to Subscribers > Lists


2. Click on the name of your prospect list and select View/Edit

Your prospect list is typically the list assigned to your WordFly Signup form. You can confirm the list by going to Account > Subscribe Settings.


3. From the list summary page, select More List Actions > Remove Subscribers


4. Paste in all the addresses with CrmSubscriberID

Be sure to separate addresses by returns, commas or semi colons.You can remove up to 5,000 addresses at a time.


5. Click Remove


These addresses will be removed from the prospect list. You can now use your CRM integration to target your customers differently than your prospect list.




Suppress customers from the prospect list

Once a prospect is converted to a customer you can use the CrmSubscriberId data field to segment your prospect list so that customers do not receive emails intended for the potential customer target.


Steps for segmenting your prospect list to send to suppress customers:


1. Go to Email > Email Campaigns



2. Click the name of your in progress email campaign


3. Click on the Subscribers tab of the email campaign


4. Select the option to Use Existing list



5. Select the list assigned to your WordFly subscribe page


6. Click on More List Actions > Segment Your List


7. Select Create new segment




8. Select Add profile data for your segment



9. Select CRM data


10. Further define your segment from the available dropdowns

  • Data Field: CrmSubscriberId
  • Operator: Missing

This segment includes subscribers who do not have a customer number. This effectively filters out all subscribers who do have customer numbers so that only prospects are left on the list.


11. Select Add to segment



12. (Optional) Save your segment

Click Save for Reuse. Give your segment a name to save it for use in the future. This is a great option if this segment will be used again.


13. Select Apply to list


After applying the segment to your list you will return to the List Summary screen where you first clicked on More List Actions. You will see your segment applied and the list total will dynamically update to sift out all your subscribers with the data field CrmSubscriberId. When you send your Email Campaign it will only send to prospects on the list.