Use data fields in WordFly to add personalized content to your emails such as First Name and Last Name. Data fields be inserted in any content field in WordFly including the subject line, body copy, header, footer, or anywhere else you might enter copy.
Add a data field to your email
You can add your data field using a text area by clicking Add Personalization.
Note: You can always add a data field manually to your email design. Your data field must be added exactly as it is in Subscribers > Data Fields. Data fields are case sensitive. Your casing must match.
To add a data field
1. In your email, click a text block in the right panel
2. In the left panel, click the Add Personalization icon
3. Select the data field from the 'Add data field' dropdown. Enter fallback content that will display if the data is missing. Click Insert Code when you are finished.
Add a data field to your subject line
In an email campaign you can add a data field to your subject line using the Insert Data Field link.
Note: You can always add a data field manually to your email subject line. Your data field must be added exactly as it is in Subscribers > Data Fields. Data fields are case sensitive. Your casing must match.
1. Open your email campaign from Email > Email Campaigns.
2. Click on the Settings tab of the email campaign.
3. Click on Data Field to insert a data field into your subject line.
4. You can also enter alternate data in case this data is not available in your list.
5. Click Insert Field
The data field will appear in the subject line along with the alternate text if missing.
6. Save your changes
Use alternate data if data is missing for a subscriber
In some cases you’ll be adding personalization to your email, but you may not have complete data for each subscriber. Fortunately, you can add some alternate text that will display when any subscriber is missing data for a specific data field. For example, when you are missing First Name you can have an alternate added in place such as 'Friend' or 'Patron'.
Alternate data when missing personalized data
1. In the Add Personalization window, enable the Add Fallback Content toggle.
2. In the Fallback field, type in the text that you'd like to appear in case the data for that subscriber is missing
3. Click Insert Code
The data field and alternate data is now added to your email’s text block.