Add Unsubscribe, Preferences, Forward, and View links

Article author
Kelly Sutter

Common links such as Unsubscribe, Forward, and View in Browser are provided by default in the Preheader and Footer blocks of all WordFly starter emails. They end with a query string (?sid=##subscriberMailingId##) that makes the link dynamic and unique to each subscriber who receives your email. The personalization happens when you send a test or live campaign. If you accidentally delete these links or need to add one in a new location, follow the instructions in this article. 



Add dynamic Unsubscribe, Preferences, Forward, and View links to your email

These links won’t work if you browse directly to them. They only work when sent in an email to a subscriber through a test email or live email campaign.


  • View in browser
  • Unsubscribe
    This URL is unique to your organization. It can be found at Pages > Unsubscribe
    It starts with
  • Preferences
    This URL is unique to your organization. It can be found at Pages > Preferences
    It starts with
  • Forward
    This URL is unique to your organization. It can be found at Pages > Forward
    It starts with



1. Click on the block where you would like your link to appear


This will bring up the Edit Content panel on the left side.


2. Type in your text, highlight it, and select the Link icon



3. Paste the link into the href field or click the down arrow on the right to access common URLs. Click I’m Done.



If you have built Unsubscribe, Preferences, and Forward pages with the Pages feature, you can also use the Browse Pages tool to fill in the correct URL. Make sure your page status is Published and the "Associate page responses with subscribers" is checked.


Screenshot of Browse Pages window with Unsubscribe row highlighted