How to import a Centaman list from a file

Article author
Miguel Panayotty
  • Updated

You can always import your Centaman lists as CSV files. This is a useful workaround if your WordFly-Centaman integration is down for any reason. WordFly will send email response data back to Centaman as long as the list has customer number and source number in the list data.


Generate a list file in Centaman for manual upload

  • Create your list in Centaman.
  • When you have created your list in Centaman, under the “Add (List) Criteria” section, use “Preview” to export your list as a CSV file.



Before starting your import, your file needs to be formatted correctly:

  • Save your file as MS-DOS Comma Separated CSV.
  • If your content contains diacriticals, save as CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited).
  • Your CSV file name should not contain any spaces or special characters.
  • Your CSV column names should not contain any forward (/) or back (\) slashes or quotation ("") marks.



Upload your CSV list into WordFly

Once you have your list ready, import your CSV file under Email > Email Campaigns or under Subscribers > Lists. Follow these instructions to import your list under Subscribers > Lists. The process is the same within a email campaign under the Subscribers tab.


1. Go to Subscribers > Lists


2. Select Create an email list


3. Select Import list from file


4. Name your file and click Continue


5. Select your file for import and click I'm done

  • Browse to your file.
  • Select the type of file you are importing (CSV, pipe-delimited, or tab-delimited).
  • Note: If you're a MAC user, you should see a message asking you to save the file as a "windows comma separated" file type.
  • Check the box for "First row contains column names" to help with the mapping fields step.



5. Map your list data fields to data fields in WordFly

  • This step is how WordFly knows what data to import for your Data Fields. Data Fields must be mapped for personalization in your email design to work.
  • To map fields, select Change on the far right. Then the middle column (WordFly Fields) will display all available data fields. Select the appropriate one that matches the data in the far left column (Your Fields).
  • WordFly will automatically map as many fields as possible based on the last time you imported a list with similar fields.
  • You must map the WordFly Email field before you’ll be able to continue.
  • Be sure to map customer number so that email responses go back to Centaman for each subscriber.


6. Click Start Importing