Test a Tessitura list email campaign

Article author
Miguel Panayotty

To make sure that event responses like opens, clicks, and unsubscribes are tracking back to Tessitura, follow these steps to test the connection.


Step 1: Create a test campaign


1. Go to Email > Create a Campaign


 2. On the Settings tab, enter some data for your test campaign. Click Save.

Testing campaign tips:

  • The name of your email campaign should make it clear it is a testing campaign.
  • The subject line of your email campaign should also include something about testing.



3. Select the Email tab, assign an email to your campaign


4. Select the Subscribers tab and continue to Step 2




Step 2: Import a Tessitura subscriber list


Under the Subscribers tab, go through the steps of importing your list from Tessitura. Make sure your Tessitura list is only pulling in internal contacts and not real subscribers.


Check out the support articles below for your Tessitura import options:



Step 3: Send the test campaign and have the recipients open the email, click, etc.

Click on the Send tab to send the campaign.


You should also have one or two individuals test the Unsubscribe link to confirm unsubscribes go back to Tessitura.


Note: Make sure you resubscribe the individual later in Tessitura as well as resubscribing them in WordFly.


Step 4: See campaign results immediately in WordFly


1. Go to Reporting > Sent Email Campaigns


2. Select the name of the sent email campaign


3. Review your email campaign results

You will see high-level results Overview tab. Select different tabs on this page to see results for Opens, Clicks, Unsubscribes, Hard Bounces, Soft Bounces, etc.



Step 5: See email responses in Tessitura as well


Here's what to check:

  • You should see the highest level event responses in T_PROMOTIONS
  • You should also see responses on constituent records under Connections tab > Promotions
  • You should see the unsubscribe response handled in the way you have configured in your LP_UPDATE_EMAIL_PROMOTION stored procedure


If you’re not seeing email responses on the constituent record, please have your team check that the LP_UPDATE_EMAIL_PROMOTION stored procedure is set up and ready for prime time. It should be configured to remove unsubscribes/abuse complaints and hard bounces.


Learn more about email responses in the Tessitura integration.