Troubleshooting: Test emails are not arriving

Article author
Miguel Panayotty

If you’ve sent a test email through WordFly and it’s not showing up in your inbox, here are some things to check.


Check your spam folder

Sometimes your test emails can sneak into the spam (or junk) folder. This might happen if your from/reply-to address is not safelisted.

Recommended solutions

  • Try adding your organization’s From/Reply to address(es) in WordFly to your email client safelist.
  • If possible, ask your IT team to add your From/Reply to address(es) to your email security safelist.


Company wide spam filter

It’s common for organizations to have email protection services in place that keep unwanted emails from reaching users. Sometimes these filters will also block WordFly emails because your emails are configured to look like they are sent from your organization.

Recommended solutions

  • Ask your IT team safelist your WordFly IP address. If you don’t know your WordFly IP address, please email us.
  • Review your email server logs for incoming traffic from your WordFly IP. This can help with troubleshooting.
  • Additionally, you may need to open a support ticket with your network provider to investigate what is happening to traffic from your WordFly IP. This may require a safelisting at the provider level. If you need to include WordFly in the conversation, please reach out.


Are you unsubscribed?

If you’ve checked everything and you’re still not receiving test emails you’ll want to check that you didn’t unsubscribe from a previous email. Use the Subscriber Search feature in WordFly to look up your subscriber profile and confirm your sending status. If you do have an unsubscribe preventing emails to your address, you can clear the unsubscribe on your profile.


Is there a WordFly service disruption or known deliverability issue?

Check our status page to keep up on any issues that could be blocking test emails from getting through.


Still not able to resolve the issue?
If you’ve gone through these four steps and you still aren’t seeing test emails come through, please email us.